First Argentine woman to win it

A young Argentine girl won the world chess championship. Candela Francisco Guecamburu, 17 years old, from Pilar, won this Sunday in the competition that took […]

Argentina Elections 2023



Argentina's five presidential candidates debated three weeks before the general elections on October 22. The participants were Minister of Economy Sergio Massa, the ruling party's […]



Argentina-Paraguay conflict

Paraguay reestablished the delivery of energy to Argentina from the Yacyretá hydroelectric dam, decompressing the tension between the South American nations.   Buenos Aires agreed […]


In rock, American singer-songwriter Bruce Springsteen is dubbed "The Boss". In the trap world, "El Jefe" is Argentina's Duki, from the Almagro neighborhood in Buenos […]

Official figures

More than 40% of the Argentine population is poor, according to the latest survey by INDEC, the official statistics agency. This means that out of […]

Malvinas Sovereignty

More and more Europeans support Argentina's claim over the Malvinas Islands. This was revealed by a survey by international consulting firm YouGov. According to this […]

Argentina Elections 2023



For the Brazilian government, a victory by Javier Milei in Argentina's elections could threaten the continuity of the MERCOSUR bloc. This was stated by the […]

Oil off-shore exploration



The Argentine state-owned company YPF will search for oil in the Uruguayan sea. The public company received one of the licenses awarded by Montevideo for […]

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