Election year in Argentina

The 2023 electoral calendar in Argentina continues to advance and this Sunday the focus was on the provinces of La Pampa, Salta and Tierra del […]

Milestone work of infrastructure

The construction of the Néstor Kirchner gas pipeline, which will change Argentina's energy matrix, will be completed this Friday. The last welding of the more […]

Biotechnology and Green Energies

Argentina and India have launched a joint call for biotechnology and energy transition projects. This was agreed in February, during the visit to the Asian […]

Argentina and the US

Labour officials from Argentina and the US held a high-level meeting in Buenos Aires. Labour Minister Kelly Olmos headed the encounter, which took place in […]

After ruling suspending provincial vote

President Alberto Fernández said that the Supreme Court "has become the arm of the opposition and of the concentrated groups of economic and media power". […]

High-profile diplomat

Brazil sent a mediator to Ukraine to push for a cessation of hostilities in the war with Russia. Brazilian President Lula da Silva said his […]

"Interference in democratic process" - President

In Argentina, the Supreme Court ordered the suspension of elections in the provinces of San Juan and Tucumán on Sunday 14 May. The Tribunal upheld […]

A victory that touches Argentina

Napoli has won the Italian championship again for the first time after 33 years, following a 1-1 draw with Udinese yesterday. The victory touches close […]

Undoing Bolsonaro's steps



Brazilian President Lula da Silva has called a summit of South American leaders in Brasilia for 30 May. This was informed by the Brazilian foreign […]

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