"Closure after 47 years" - Son



The remains of a victim of the dictatorship have been identified 47 years after her disappearance. They belong to María Angélica Mellace, who was kidnapped […]

New law enacted in Argentina

The Argentinean government enacted the Zero Alcohol Law, which brings down alcohol permitted levels for drivers to zero. The law is already in force on […]

Fake vaccination certificates

In Brazil, police raided the home of former president Jair Bolsonaro. It is for a case of alleged falsification of Covid-19 vaccination certificates. During the […]

Here's a preview of the new album by this classic Buenos Aires city band that started their career under the name "Massacre Palestina" in the […]

Lawmakers propose to nationalize lithium in Argentina

Ruling party lawmakers submitted a bill to nationalize Argentina's lithium reserves, as Chile recently did. The proposal from the ruling Frente de Todos considers the […]

President Fernández visits Brazil

Brazilian President Lula da Silva said he will ask the International Monetary Fund to "take the knife out of Argentina's neck". He stated this when […]

Baptism of Fire 41th anniversary

The Argentine Air Force commemorated a new anniversary of its baptism of fire during the Malvinas War. Its commander, Brigadier General Xavier Julián Isaac, headed […]

International Workers Day

President Alberto Fernández said yesterday that unemployment in Argentina "is the lowest in decades". He said this in a message posted on social networks on […]

From 60 to 65

In Uruguay, the Senate on Thursday approved a reform that raises the retirement age from the current 60 to 65.   It was promoted by […]

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