New Argentine Sounds

Here's a new single by this Argentine musician who emerged in the 1990s with his duo Illya Kuryaki and the Valderramas together with Emmanuel Horvilleur. […]

Malvinas sovereignty



  The Secretary of Malvinas-related issues, Guillermo Carmona, paid a visit to Ecuador, where he strengthened ties in matters of Antarctic and oceanic cooperation and […]

The war in Ukraine

  Argentina voted in favor of a UN General Assembly Resolution condemning Russia's attempt to annex Ukrainian territories. The motion rejected the separatist referendums in […]

New Argentine Sounds

"No estés triste" ("Don't be sad") is the new single by legendary Argentine punk rock band 2 minutos. Boasting a 35-year career behind them, this […]

77th UN Assembly General

During his visit to New York, president Alberto Fernández met with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron. The Argentine Head of State was invited by his […]

77th UN Assembly General



The President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, spoke before the United Nations General Assembly and warned about the rise of extremism and hatred messages.   In […]

Argentina protested before the Uruguayan government

The Argentine Government rejected the presence of a British-ran desk on the Malvinas Islands at an agricultural fair in Uruguay. The Foreign Ministry informed about […]

New Argentine Sounds

"Trinchera" ("Trench") is the third single from the 13th album of the successful Argentine group Babasónicos. They are from Lanús, in the BA suburbs, and […]

BRICS bloc of emerging economies

Argentina took a new step towards its inclusion as a full member of the Brics group, with the formal endorsement expressed today by Xi Jinping's […]

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