Hundreds of Brazilians took part on Sunday in demonstrations against President Jair Bolsonaro, this time summoned by right-wing movements. In many of these, some left-leaning […]

The current contagion average is fewer than 3,400 cases and 130 deaths per day. 2,172 COVID-19 patients are in intensive care units (ICU), one of […]

This Sunday, the PASO (Spanish acronym that means "Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory Primary Elections"), mid-term legislative elections, were held throughout Argentina. In general, the Frente […]

HEARINGS From Armenia, the transmissions of Afghanistan International TV, which is testing the 7590 kHz frequency via the relay center in Yerevan, are on the […]

President Alberto Fernández formally opened this week the Latin American Summit on Climate Change, and called for a relief in the IMF debt in exchange […]

This Sunday, the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory Elections (known by the acronym PASO) will be held all over the country. Following a tense, highly-polarizing […]

The news of the week: Argentina formally protests over Chile's claim over South Atlantic territory, Brazil's Bolsonaro threatens the Supreme Court and Mexico-based talks between […]

Argentina - Chile continental shelf dispute

This week, Argentina once again ratified its sovereignty over 5 thousand square kilometers of continental shelf in the South Atlantic that Chile claimed as its […]


  Bié Música "La primavera" ("The Spring") This is a very promising BA City quartet led by the beautiful voice of singer and keyboardist Gabriela […]

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