Despite some progress made in the last decades, Chagas is still the main endemic disease in Argentina, according to health authorities, who assured they were […]

We begin our suggestions for hearings with Chile. Radio Triunfal Evangélica, a religious station that operates on short wave, on 5825 khz, especially on weekends, […]

News from Argentina and the region: Vaccination campaign speeds up in Argentina while local production of Sputnik jab kicks off, presidential elections in Peru and […]


Yamir Safdie "Caminar Sola" (Walking Alone) She is a singer-songwriter from the town of Haedo, in the greater Buenos Aires. She deals with gender issues […]

The Americas in the News

The Brazilian Ministry of Health predicts a third wave will be hitting the country around mid-June, exactly when the Copa América begins, which will be […]

ARGENTINA Facundo Leal, head of ARSAT, a local tech company and Farming Minister Luis Basterra, were in charge of sealing a new Agreement to promote […]

The news from Argentina and the region: Daily infections do not drop in Argentina while vaccination rollout speeds up, in a last-minute decision COVID-hit Brazil […]


Conociendo Rusia Puede Ser (Perhaps) The son of legendary keyboardist Leo Sujatovich of Spinetta Jade, Mateo is one hundred per cent tied to the roots […]

ARGENTINA There is a very interesting communicational experience going on in San Cristobal, in Santa Fe province. Here, the Municipal School of Science and Youth […]

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